Joe's Politicians : Mendelson Joe Paints - Mendelson Joe

Joe's Politicians

Mendelson Joe Paints

By: Mendelson Joe, Gary Michael Dault (Preface by)

Hardcover | 1 April 2008

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Among many things, Mendelson Joe is a political activist. And he's a painter. So it was inevitable that he would express his activism through a series of portraits of politicians.Here we have George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Bill Clinton Henry Kissinger, Jean Chretien, Brian Mulroney, Stephen Harper, Stockwell Day, Preston Manning, Mike Harris, Ernie Eves, and others.As Mendelson Joe describes, these portraits embody mostly figments of his imagination. All but three subjects came from impressions synthesized from observing these glib charmers during their numerous appearances on television. The three exceptions (Barbara Hall, Carolyn Parrish, and Richard Thomas) all sat for him at his request.The portraits are not editorial cartoons; they're expressions like Edvard Munch's "Scream." His disdain for most of his subjects is far from hidden and yet occasionally, if you look closely, one can spot a glimmer of hope that the subject might have a heart.These politicians are shaping our future. As such, they require our scrutiny and commentary. Only if we stay engaged, as Mendelson Joe makes clear, can our democratic system work.
Industry Reviews
"You can certainly judge this book by its vibrant cover. It's funny, shocking and vulgar . . . but has a charming innocence about it." --"Ottawa XPress"

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