TABLE SAW JIGS & FIXTURES 8 Avoiding Kickback and Binding 10 by Rob Johnstone Here's a close and safe look at four problems in basic table saw operations. Simple Crosscut Sled 12 by Bill Hylton A crosscut sled will add accuracy, ease of operation and safety to your work. You can build this sled in a couple of hours. Precision Crosscutting Jig 14 by Chris Inman The sled makes it easier to perform crosscuts on long or heavy stock and panel material. Our design also includes a mitering fence for dead-on angle cuts and a micro-adjustable stop block. The Miter Clamp Jig 20 by E. John DeWaard Attach this jig to your miter gauge, and you can clamp workpieces in place for making extremely accurate and safe angle cuts. Table Saw Tenoning Jig 22 by Jeff Greef This indispensable accessory for cutting tenons, bridle joints and spline slots allows workpieces to be held safely on end , with a micro-adjust feature. Adjustable Box Joint Jig 26 by Ralph Bagnall Spacing box joints just right is fussy business, so here's an adjustable, reusable jig that will suit any joint. Outfeed/Assembly Table 30 A must for every shop with space limitations, this outfeed table transforms into a low-height assembly table for your larger projects. It also provides plenty of storage. Shop-Built Panel Saw 40 by Rob Johnstone Get the accuracy the pros are used to at less than half the cost. Our aluminum sliding system is the key to success. Miter Saw Station 46 by John English This rolling cabinet with tip-up extension wings makes the perfect solution for tight space. ROUTER JIGS & FIXTURES 54 Router Basics Revisited 56 by John English Is your router dusty because it's always making dust, or does it just gather dust? This review of the basics unlocks techniques. Router Guide - The Heart of an Accurate Cut 58 by Ian Kirby Without a guide system, using a router is like steering a ship without a rudder. Here's the lowdown on seven basic guides. Router Straightedge Jig 66 by Rick White The straightedge jig features a T-track that allows it to breeze through rabbets, dadoes and grooves. It's a "must-build" Jointing with a Router 68 by Carol Reed This jig makes squaring up an edge a snap. And when you're done, the whole thing stores quickly and easily on a wall. Router Surfacing Jig 74 by John English This ingenious jig turns a router into a serviceable planer. The moveable sled will fit virtually any make or model. Pattern Routing Made Easy 84 by Jim Dolan To make pairs of curved, complementary shapes that fit perfectly together, use a router and guide bushings to pattern-rout. Circle-Cutting Jig 86 by John English This versatile and easy-to-build jig will have you cutting circles of virtually any size in no time. This clever design features a revolving, clear plate to guide the router. Accurate Dadoes...In a Hurry 92 by Rob Johnstone This jig provides quick and accurate set-ups when cutting through or stopped dadoes and sliding dovetail. Sliding Dovetail System 100 by Jack Gray This pair of sliding dovetail jigs are simple and rock-solid. Router Mortising Made Easy 102 by Rick White This very simple mortising jig takes the effort out of the centering process without sacrificing precision. Ultimate Fluting Jig 104 by Ralph Bagnall Make multiple, parallel flute cuts spaced any way you like using this jig. It can be set for different stock widths and bit positions. Multi-Functional Routing System 110 by Rick White Here's a router table - complete with its own dust collection system - that can be used with or without its base. Dust-Collecting Router Table Fence 120 by Chris Marshall Routing particleboard or MDF with without dust collection is like standing in a sand storm. This fence draws dust and chips away. Traveling Router Table 124 by John English This handsome dovetailed cabinet slips off your shop wall to serve as a carrying case for a router and good selection of bits. Flip it over and it becomes an instant router table. Custom Router Table 132 by Rick White A router table turns your handheld router into a makeshift shaper and expands the range of joints and moldings you can make. This design provides maximum versatility, convenience and storage space - all on wheels. Ultimate Router Table 142 by Barry Chattell This ample, fully appointed router table sports twin routers, dust-collecting fences iwth micro-adjusters, and a horizontal routing attachment. Build a Horizontal Routing Systyem 150 by John English Turn your spare router into a versatile, horizontal milling machine featuring easy and accurate depth of cut, super-easy fence adjustment and above-the-table bit changes.