Home Gardener's Wildlife Gardens : Designing, building, planting, developing and maintaining a wildlife garden - Alan Bridgewater

Home Gardener's Wildlife Gardens

Designing, building, planting, developing and maintaining a wildlife garden

By: Alan Bridgewater

Paperback | 21 September 2022

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One of the special joys of having outdoor space is the wildlife it attracts and this Specialist volume helps gardeners turn their little plot of land into an animal-friendly haven. Concise and easy to use, It gives expert advice on planning and planting to create an ideal environment for birds, butterflies, reptiles, and mammals a place where these wild creatures will find everything they need to survive and thrive.

There’s pond-building guidance, instructions for assembling and siting nesting boxes and feeders, ideas for both town and country gardens, and advice on making the area pet- and child-safe.

About the Author

Alan and Gill Bridgewater have gained an international reputation as producers of gardening and DIY books on a range of subjects, including ponds and patios, stone and brickwork, decks and decking, and garden design. They have written a wide range of highly successful books and contributed to several international magazines. They live in Rye, East Sussex.

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