Finding a Man Worth Keeping - Victorya Michaels Rogers

Finding a Man Worth Keeping

By: Victorya Michaels Rogers

Paperback | 1 July 2005 | Edition Number 1

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How to Find the Man of Your Dreams

How to find the man of your dreams is no longer a matter of mystery and frustration. Victorya Michaels Rogers has done her dating homework, and in this upbeat book she shares the wisdom from her dating experiences with more than one hundred men -- ninety-seven of whom asked her out for a second date. After having found Mr. Right, Victorya will help you, too, find a man worth keeping as she shares secrets, such as how to be a great date, how not to freak him out, how to know when to call it quits, and much more.

Don't give up. Refuse to settle. This book can teach you how to find a man who is truly worth keeping.

Industry Reviews
Like a helpful girlfriend, Victorya invites you to look at your dating patterns, helps you identify the characteristics of Mr. Wrong, and helps you recognize -- and be ready for -- Mr. Right. This book will help you make wise choices and remind you that you are a prize worth keeping. -- Nancy Stafford, Actress (Matlock), Speaker, and Author of The Wonder of His Love: A Journey into the Heart of God
Victorya has given single women biblically driven, yet real-world, advice on dating -- it is the gift of finding yourself on the journey to finding a man worth keeping. -- Ed Young, Senior Pastor, Fellowship Church; Author of You! The Journey to the Center of Your Worth
Victorya Michaels Rogers provides valuable help and humor for women as they establish the best patterns and purpose for their dating years that will bring a lifetime of results. This book is a guide you don't want to be without! -- Dr. Bob and Cheryl Reccord, Authors of Launching Your Kids for Life
Victorya's passion for single women is so beautifully seen on every page that I just couldn't put the book down -- and I've been married for twenty-one years! It's wise, simple, and powerful: I know it will be the source of many solid Christian marriages to come. Great job, Victorya! -- Karen Covell, TV Producer, Director of Hollywood Prayer Network, Coauthor of How to Talk About Jesus Without Freaking Out and The Day I Met God

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