The Gifts of Change - Nancy Christie

The Gifts of Change

By: Nancy Christie

Paperback | 28 August 2004 | Edition Number 1

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We cannot avoid change it is an integral part of life. But while we may able to point to major events as "life changing," sometimes it is the less noticeable, inconspicuous times which can cause a major shift in our perceptions of what life is and who we are. A chance conversation with a stranger, an unexpected gift, even experiences that don't turn out quite the way we wanted, can all provide food for thought and lead to new realisations. The Gifts Of Change explores the commonplace activities that are part and parcel of everyday life - an unwelcome gift, an unwelcome rejection or an unexpected schedule disruption. Readers are invited to look beyond the surface of occurrence for hidden meanings and subtle truths. The result is a shift in their perceptions about themselves and the life they are living and the choices they have.
Industry Reviews
Thanks to Nancy Christie's wisdom and the stories that live among the pages of her book, I'm actually beginning to see glimmers of the growth, fun, and fulfillment that may very well be waiting for me beyond this turn in the path. -Sue Patton Thoele, author of The Courage to Be Yourself, The Woman's Book of Soul, and Growing Hope As a wellness and life coach, I am always looking for gems to pass on to my clients to help them make positive changes in their lives. The Gifts of Change is just such a gem because it shows us how to embrace change and discover all the wonderful possibilities that lie beneath our fear of the unfamiliar. -Gloria Silverio, licensed corporate wellness coach/life coach Nancy Christie writes like the wise friend that everyone needs. Her insights will do you much good. -Rena Pederson, author of What's Next? and What's Missing? In The Gifts of Change, Nancy Christie brings us to the simple but powerful opportunities we have each day to look differently at our lives and relationships. -Meredith Young-Sowers, DDiv, author of Wisdom Bowls

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