The Mystery of the Copper Scroll of Qumran : The Essene Record of the Treasure of Akhenaten - Robert Feather

The Mystery of the Copper Scroll of Qumran

The Essene Record of the Treasure of Akhenaten

By: Robert Feather

Paperback | 23 June 2003

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Introduces a radical new perspective on the historical foundations of monotheism, based on the enigma of the Copper Scroll of the Essenes.

. Confirms the link between ancient Judaism and the pharoah Akhenaten.

. Decodes the system of measurements encrypted on the Copper Scroll that has confounded scholars for over 50 years, leading to the identification of fabulous lost treasures.

. Points to a radical new understanding of the origins of monotheism.

The famous Dead Sea Scrolls comprise the oldest collection of Biblical documents ever discovered. Of the Dead Sea Scrolls, none has baffled experts more than the 2,000-year-old Copper Scroll, discovered in 1952 by a team of Bedouin led by Henri de Contenson of the Ecole Biblique in East Jerusalem. Appearing to be a list of buried treasure engraved on copper pieces, the Copper Scroll is considered to be the work of a secretive Jewish sect of devout Essenes, who lived by the Dead Sea around the time of Jesus. No one has been able to explain its meaning or discover any of the 64 locations where the Biblical treasures it lists were buried.

Robert Feather, combining his background as a metallurgist with his journalistic expertise, has unraveled the enigma of the Copper Scroll in a fascinating study that takes the reader on a journey from ancient Mesopotamia, through Canaan, into Egypt, and back to the shores of the Dead Sea. His exploration links the scroll to the ancient Egyptian king Akhenaten, confirming a long suspected influence of this pharaoh's religious beliefs on those of the Hebrews. The author's findings not only reveal the locations of most of the treasures listed on the Copper Scroll, but they also point to a radical new understanding of the origins of monotheism--the basis of the three great religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

Industry Reviews
“Robert Feather has been able to uncover the first link between Akhenaten and the Qumran community, through the Copper Scroll. This new evidence will completely change our understanding of the relationship between biblical Moses and historical Akhenaten.”

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