The Mind Chronicles : A Visionary Guide into Past Lives - Barbara Hand Clow

The Mind Chronicles

A Visionary Guide into Past Lives

By: Barbara Hand Clow

Paperback | 26 December 2006

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A record of past lives experienced through hypnotic regression

. Unlocks the primordial memory bank of planetary consciousness

. Explores the past lives of spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow at sacred sites during historical periods critical to the development of human consciousness

. With illustrations by Angela Werneke, illustrator of Medicine Cards

. First editions collectively sold 60,000 copies

Combined for the first time in one updated and revised volume, the three books of The Mind Chronicles Trilogy--Eye of the Centaur, Heart of the Christos, and Signet of Atlantis--show that all the places, times, and beings we have ever known exist now in our memory banks. Using the mind state produced during 100 sessions of hypnotic regression, Barbara Hand Clow unlocks the primordial memory bank--the records of time in which all humans participate--offering readers critical information to reflect upon now.

In The Mind Chronicles, Clow guides readers through 100,000 years of human history, using in-depth experiences of initiations and sacred ceremonies to illuminate the forgotten wisdom of our ancestors. She shows that this ancient knowledge, which is contained deep within all of us, is becoming even more relevant as the Mayan Calendar comes to a close and a new stage of evolution begins.
Industry Reviews
“The past comes alive here and teaches us life in the present; and time is no longer a single strand stretched out and forbidding but is rather a vast spaciousness all are invited to explore.”

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