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The Earth Chronicles Expeditions - Zecharia Sitchin

The Earth Chronicles Expeditions

By: Zecharia Sitchin

Paperback | 29 May 2007 | Edition Number 2

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Reveals the course of archaeological adventures and insights that resulted in The Earth Chronicles series

• Explores links between the Old world and the New in search of evidence of extraterrestrial gods in the artifacts and murals of ancient civilizations

• Reveals archaeological cover-ups concerning Olmec origins in Mexico and ancient UFO artifacts in Turkey

In this autobiographical book, the internationally acclaimed author Zecharia Sitchin reveals the foundational research and the adventurous expeditions that resulted in his writing the bestselling The Earth Chronicles series. Ranging from Mayan temples in Mexico to hidden artifacts in Istanbul, Turkey, from biblical tunnels in Jerusalem to the mysteries of Mt. Sinai, from the abode of a Sumerian goddess to Greek islands, the Expeditions’ destinations and amazing discoveries unmasked established fallacies, detected the fate of mysterious artifacts, and revealed ancient connections to modern space facilities.

For the first time, Sitchin shares with the reader not only his encompassing knowledge of antiquity and his field experiences, but also the concrete evidence for his conclusions that ancient myths were recollections of factual events, that the gods of ancient peoples were visitors to Earth from another planet, and that we are not alone in our own solar system. Accompanied by photographs from his personal archive, here is Sitchin’s own story and his inner feelings about the cord that binds him to his ancestral past.
Industry Reviews
"Looking at our past through the eyes of an eminent Biblical scholar and superb linguist in ancient languages will have a profound effect on some of your most cherished beliefs and who you are and where you came from."

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