The Lost History of the Little People : Their Spiritually Advanced Civilizations Around the World - Susan B. Martinez

The Lost History of the Little People

Their Spiritually Advanced Civilizations Around the World

By: Susan B. Martinez

Paperback | 25 March 2013

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Reveals an ancient race of Little People, the catalyst for the emergence of the first known civilizations

• Traces the common roots of key words and holy symbols, including the scarlet biretta of Catholic cardinals, back to the Little People

• Explains how the mounds of North America and Ireland were not burial sites but the homes of the Little People

• Includes the Tuatha De Danaan, the Hindu Sri Vede, the dwarf gods of Mexico and Peru, the Menehune of Hawaii, the Nunnehi of the Cherokee as well as African Pygmies and the Semang of Malaysia

All cultures haves stories of the First People, the “Old Ones,” our prehistoric forebears who survived the Great Flood and initiated the first sacred traditions. From the squat “gods” of Mexico and Peru to the fairy kingdom of Europe to the blond pygmies of Madagascar, on every continent of the world they are remembered as masters of stone carving, agriculture, navigation, writing, and shamanic healing--and as a “hobbit” people, no taller than 31/2 feet in height yet perfectly proportioned.

Linking the high civilizations of the Pleistocene to the Golden Age of the Great Little People, Susan Martinez reveals how this lost race was forced from their original home on the continent of Pan (known in myth as Mu or Lemuria) during the Great Flood of global legend. Following the mother language of Pan, Martinez uncovers the original unity of humankind in the common roots of key words and holy symbols, including the scarlet biretta of Catholic cardinals, and shows how the Small Sacred Workers influenced the primitive tribes that they encountered in the post-flood diaspora, leading to the rise of civilization. Examining the North American mound-culture sites, including the diminutive adult remains found there, she explains that these stately mounds were not burial sites but the sanctuaries and homes of the Little People.

Drawing on the intriguing worldwide evidence of pygmy tunnels, dwarf villages, elf arrows, and tiny coffins, Martinez reveals the Little People as the real missing link of prehistory, later sanctified and remembered as gods rather than the mortals they were.
Industry Reviews
“Tales and legends of the wee folk, or little people, are numerous around the world. At times they are reportedly meddlesome, but always very mysterious. Through her extensive research into the subject matter, Susan Martinez, Ph.D., establishes the little people as the progenitor of civilization and one of the ancestors of the people of today.”

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