Introduction: Getting to Know Georgia
A Near-Death Experience, the Intuition Muscle, the Lucifer Rebellion, and Writing Collaboratively with Angels
1 Reverberations of Violence
Georgia on War, Angelic Arrivals, Early Out-of-Body Travels, and Violent Imprints and Survivor Guilt
2 Angelic Inspiration
The Astral Realms, Institutionalized Brutality, Sexual Repression, a Shooting, and the Spirit of Art
3 Revolution among the Angels
Human Origins, Independence of Mind, Fifth-Dimensional Bodies, the Prince’s Arrival, and Sexual Awakenings
4 A Kundalini Initiation
The Spirit of India, a Snake Charmer’s Music, Cybernetics, Entheogenic Research, and Encountering the Divine
5 The Power of Hypnosis
Angelic Intervention, Living by Wits, System Isolation, Nature of Betrayal, and Meeting the Teachers
6 Arrival of the Superhumans
Telepathic Blowback, Goal of Life, Midwayer Activities and a Rescue, and the Chakra System
7 A Glimpse of an Extraterrestrial
The City of Dalamatia, a Young Girl’s Discovery, Thermonuclear Anxiety, and the Nature of Fandor Telepathy
8 Out-of-Body Travels
Denial and Retreat, the Fandors’ Gifts, an Experience of God, Night Terrors, and the Treatment of Animals
9 Sufi Teachers in Disguise
Perilous Journeys, a Reincarnational Clue, a Smuggler’s Dilemma, Immortal Privileges, and Rebellions as Cosmic Theater
10 The Birth of a Mystery School
Harsh Awakenings, Prince Caligastia’s Vision, Melchizedek Receivers, Atlantean Incarnations, and “As Below, so Above”
11 A Community in Exile
Ribald Rejection, Reincarnational Insights, Fall of the City, the Serpent People, and a First Visit to Zandana
12 A Goddess Enters the Game
Intractable Hostility, Death of Immortals, Rebirth of the Spirit, Self-Determination, and the Geography of Zandana
13 The God of This World
Lucid Dreaming with ETs, Angelic Protection, Invention of Money, Silk Road, and Enter the Banksters
14 Advances in Group Telepathy
Listening to Beings, Origins of Metallurgy, Guided to Mexico, Vanu’s Devotion, and Caligastia’s Failed Invasion
15 The Treasure of Eldorado
A Yucatán Welcome, Astral Espionage, the Politics of Violence, Arrivals at Midnight, and the Truth about Dogs
16 Stranded in the Jungle
Living Primitively, the Lucifer Manifesto, Willful Blindness, Prison Worlds, and the Miracle of the Fish
17 The Seraphic Transport System
True Visions, Electromagnetism, Aftermath of the War, Discovering Xtul, and the Sign of the Black Snake
18 Varieties of Planetary Experience
Caligastia’s Malevolence, Vanu’s Eastern Territories, Occult Challenges, a Prophecy Fulfilled, and Traveling to Lemuria
19 Rebel Angels and the Goddess
The Place of Miracles, Purity of Spirit, Dolphins and Sirius B., Islands of Mu, Lemurian Technology, and Confronting the Darkness
My Life as a Watcher . . .
. . . And Whence the Story Unfolds
Appendix: The Angelic Cosmology