Animal Messengers : An A-Z Guide to Signs and Omens in the Natural World - Regula Meyer

Animal Messengers

An A-Z Guide to Signs and Omens in the Natural World

By: Regula Meyer

Paperback | 18 June 2015

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An animal-by-animal guide that reveals the meaning behind each encounter we have with animals

* Provides sophisticated psychological insight into encounters with more than 150 animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and aquatic life

* Explores how animals reflect our inner world, drawing our attention to inner turmoil, relationship issues, spiritual growth, and the deepest needs of the soul

* Explains how the meaning of each encounter depends on whether the animal was hunting, fleeing, hiding, or acting indifferent when sighted

We each feel connections to animals in our own way. Some of us have pets. Others admire animals in the wild. Because the outer world often reflects our internal states and animals are highly sensitive to our energies, each encounter with an animal signals something about our inner world and innermost concerns. The spontaneous, surprising contacts are the telling ones: a sparrow landing next to you, a fox darting across the road, or a bee alighting on your hand. However, even regular encounters with our pets can draw attention to our inner world and what needs to be thought over and grappled with, from psychic turmoil and relationship issues to spiritual growth and the deepest needs of the soul.

Providing sophisticated psychological insight into encounters with more than 150 animals, birds, reptiles, insects, and aquatic life, Regula Meyer explores the messages each animal provides for us on a personal level when we encounter them. She explains how the meaning of each encounter depends on whether the animal was hunting, fleeing, hiding, or acting indifferent when sighted. For example, a fleeing animal is prompting you to pursue a subject consciously, while a hiding animal tells you to patiently observe something and draw insights from it.

The author shows how animal encounters in the wild cause us to contemplate the present moment and inspire the flow of our perceptions, leading us to meditate on important concerns we may be ignoring or unaware of. Pets and other animals we see every day act as intensifiers of the energy for which they stand.

With this animal-by-animal guide, you can discover the deep meaning behind your encounters with animals and the messages they bring as oracles of our souls.
Industry Reviews
Animal Messengers not only reminds us that everything is interconnected, but Regula Meyer illuminates the golden, invisible threads that weave between humans and animals. This book is an essential resource for everyone who has wondered: Why is this animal in my life? Why now? Take to heart the wisdom within its pages. It will fill you with gratitude for how lovingly animals are supporting your well-being, your dreams, and your spiritual growth.”

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