An initiatic novel based on ancient teachings and astrological wisdom from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow
Offers an in-depth experience of alchemical transmutation to cleanse old parts of the psyche and clear space for the shift to 5D through 9D consciousness
Reveals the astrological factors at play behind the multitude of crises hitting the world stage in 2018, 2019, and 2020, including the Covid-19 pandemic
Continues the story from Revelations of the Ruby Crystal and Revelations of the Aquarian Age
With the Age of Aquarius dawning, six friends connected by ancient wisdom, spiritual revelation, past lives, and sexual alchemy discover the connections between seemingly disconnected events--environmental collapse, schisms in the Catholic Church, the refugee crisis, political breakdown in the United States, the shift out of the age of oil to the high-tech economy, and the Covid-19 pandemic. The characters, as well as readers, experience moving out of fear-based consciousness to the higher dimensions.
The story begins in Florence, Italy, at an art soirée in honor of Armando Pierleoni’s visionary painting of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. In addition to the six friends--Armando, his photographer wife Jennifer, New York Times journalist Simon, his mystical wife Sarah, Jungian analyst Lorenzo, and exotically beautiful and astrologically insightful Claudia--the dinner party also includes Alessandro de Medici, later revealed to be a master alchemist, and the Jesuit priest Father Giorgio Faccini, the Vatican archivist and a covert agent for the Church’s secret agenda.
As the Aquarian vibrations intensify, Claudia sees the astrological factors at play behind the multitude of crises hitting the world stage, and then Covid-19 hits Italy. In the rapidly escalating tension, the deepest fears and greatest joys of the characters’ lives are revealed. Armando has a spiritual breakthrough and high initiation with Lorenzo in his tower, and the friends discover alchemical keys and the perennial wisdom--long suppressed by the Church--that will help humanity transcend.
About the Author
Barbara Hand Clow is an internationally acclaimed ceremonial teacher, author, and Mayan Calendar researcher. Her numerous books include The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Awakening the Planetary Mind, Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini, and The Mayan Code. She has taught at sacred sites throughout the world and maintains an astrological web site,
Industry Reviews
“Revelations from the Source, and the entire trilogy by Barbara Hand Clow, has rekindled my love of reading fiction! By weaving together astrology, history, symbolism, spirituality, and the occult with deeply compelling characters and storylines, the perfect storm is created to keep the reader riveted. I admire Barbara’s use of masterful storytelling to help us deepen into subjects that can otherwise be difficult to grasp. Truly brilliant!”