The Dreamer's Book of the Dead : A Soul Traveler's Guide to Death, Dying, and the Other Side - Robert Moss

The Dreamer's Book of the Dead

A Soul Traveler's Guide to Death, Dying, and the Other Side

By: Robert Moss

Paperback | 24 January 2005

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A guidebook for communicating with the departed and gaining first-hand knowledge of life beyond death

. Reveals that the easiest way to communicate with the departed is through dreams

. Offers methods for helpful and timely communication with deceased loved ones

. Provides powerful Active Dreaming practices from ancient and indigenous cultures for journeying beyond the gates of death for wisdom and healing

We yearn for contact with departed loved ones. We miss them, ache for forgiveness or closure, and long for confirmation that there is life beyond physical death. In The Dreamer's Book of the Dead, Robert Moss explains that we have entirely natural contact with the departed in our dreams, when they come visiting and we may travel into their realms. As we become active dreamers, we can heal our relationship with the departed and move beyond the fear of death. We also can develop the skills to function as soul guides for others, helping the dying to approach the last stage of life with courage and grace, opening gates for their journeys beyond death, and even escorting them to the Other Side.

Drawing on a wealth of personal experience as well as many ancient and indigenous traditions, Moss offers stories to inspire us and guide us. He shares his extraordinary visionary relationship with the poet W. B. Yeats, whose greatest ambition was to create a Western Book of the Dead, to feed the soul hunger of our times. Moss teaches us the truth of Chief Seattle's statement that "there is no death; we just change worlds."

Industry Reviews
The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead is one of the finest books I have read in many a year. It offers deep and healing insight into the journey beyond death, which will be a help to anyone who has lost a loved one. More than that it offers wisdom for living our lives in powerful and spirit-filled ways. With each new book, but especially with this one, Robert Moss adds to his reputation as one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time. Outstanding!”

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