The Neanderthal Legacy : Reawakening Our Genetic and Cultural Origins - Stan Gooch

The Neanderthal Legacy

Reawakening Our Genetic and Cultural Origins

By: Stan Gooch

Paperback | 23 May 2008

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A direct appeal for a revolution in our educational system to restore the connection with our Neanderthal heritage

• Examines the genetic evidence for Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon crossbreeding and the dual-nature effects this hybrid cross produced

• Explains the influence of the Neanderthal’s enlarged cerebellum on our modern brain function and psychic and paranormal abilities

In The Neanderthal Legacy, eminent psychologist and paranormal researcher Stan Gooch brings together the wide-ranging investigative strands of his lifetime of study of the human brain. One of the world’s leading experts on the influence of Neanderthal Man on the cultural and biological development of humanity, Gooch contends that the Neanderthals’ enlarged cerebellum was a source of deep connection with the psychic and dream worlds, which remains extant in modern man in paranormal phenomena that conventional science cannot explain.

Gooch offers new scientific evidence of the crossbreeding between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons that is responsible for the dichotomous nature of our feelings, thoughts, impressions, beliefs, and even our cultural mores and politics. The “hybrid vigor” produced by this mating has gifted modern man with abilities and sensibilities that the scientific establishment and conventional educational system entirely ignore. The author explores the legacy of our Neanderthal ancestors in an effort to awaken their virtues and qualities, which are so needed in our modern world.
Industry Reviews
" . . . this idea goes against the grain of academic orthodoxy on the subject. But the observations that led Gooch to his theory are factual, universal, and compelling. . . . Archaeological discoveries have slowly accumulated to prove Gooch right again. . . . read Stan Gooch, whatever you do."

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