Seven Secrets of Time Travel : Mystic Voyages of the Energy Body - Von Braschler

Seven Secrets of Time Travel

Mystic Voyages of the Energy Body

By: Von Braschler, Frank Joseph (Foreword by)

Paperback | 29 March 2012

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How to break free from the physical world and travel via the energy body

• Examines the seven secrets of time from the viewpoint of mystics and scientists, including Helena Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, and Albert Einstein

• Explains how transcending the physical body offers new hope for the treatment of illness, emotional problems, and addictions

• Offers step-by-step instructions and exercises to develop your time travel abilities via the energy body

Time remains the most misunderstood and mystical dimension of our experience of life. We never seem to have enough time, yet often it seems to drag by too slowly. Enthralled with the possibility of time travel and time machines, we long for the future or regret our past and wish for a way to break out of the linear progression of time. Behind all of this time fascination and obsession is the human urge to manage our destiny and feel in control of our world. Yet the secret to escaping temporal bondage is inside each of us, a soul-given power to visit the past or future and travel through the present at the speed of light.

Exploring the 7 secrets of time, Von Braschler reveals how to break free from the physical world and travel through time and space via the energy body. He examines time, timelessness, and time travel from the viewpoint of mystics, shamanic dreamwalkers, and scientists, including Helena Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, Albert Einstein, and Julian Barbour, as well as Hindu spiritual science. Explaining how transcending the physical body offers new hope for the treatment of illness, emotional problems, and addictions, he offers step-by-step instructions and active, out-of-body exercises to develop your time travel abilities and explore the world of energy and spirit. Emphasizing the spiritual wholeness that comes from energy body work, he shows that by visiting the past and the future we can more fully live in the now.
Industry Reviews
“Thanks to the clarity of his insights and the freshness of his perspective, Von Braschler’s guide to time travel is our handbook to new, unchartered realms of experience and healing. The vehicle he offers is not a relatively crude ‘machine’ but the sublime human soul. In short, he tells us that we do not have to wait for the invention of some promised technology. On the contrary, we have been carrying around within us, since the day we were born, everything we need for visiting the past or future. He lays out seven secrets to access this wonderful mystery, clearly and convincingly describing them as the cornerstones of his practical guide.”

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