Ecstatic Healing : A Journey into the Shamanic World of Spirit Possession and Miraculous Medicine - Margaret De Wys

Ecstatic Healing

A Journey into the Shamanic World of Spirit Possession and Miraculous Medicine

By: Margaret De Wys

Paperback | 6 January 2013

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Understanding ecstatic spirit possession for physical and spiritual healing

• Details the author’s direct experiences working with Brazilian miracle healer John of God (João de Deus) and African high shaman Credo Mutwa

• Includes stories of psychic surgery, spirit possession, and shamanic healing rituals

• Explains how each of us is capable of miraculous healing

Margaret De Wys first became aware of ecstatic trance healing when she was a young girl fascinated by the rapture of the Holy Rollers. However, it would be decades before she would be called to explore that early fascination. At a gathering in Upstate New York thirty years later she was spontaneously possessed by a sacred Zulu necklace--a gift from one of the most powerful shamans in Africa, Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa. Frightening yet exhilarating, the experience set her on a search to understand the depths of ecstatic healing.

Margaret journeys to Brazil to work with famous healer John of God (João de Deus), where she witnesses hundreds of miraculous healings through psychic surgery. During her years of spiritual service at John’s Casa, she experiences ecstatic visions, which increase her hunger for more knowledge. She begins to attend possession rituals held by Pai Lazaro, an Umbanda priest, and finds she is a natural medium to the African gods. Called through her dreams to work with Credo Mutwa, she travels to Credo’s Healing Village in Africa, where she discovers her gift as an ecstatic healer and the meaning of true faith. In sharing her journey to reach a profound understanding of ecstatic states and shamanic healing, Margaret De Wys not only gives the reader a direct experience of holiness but also reveals the potential each of us has for miraculous healing.
Industry Reviews
“Margaret De Wys’s Ecstatic Healing is a holy voyage--a remarkable testament of one courageous woman forced by her own sickness to discover the mysterious world of shamanic and spiritual healing. Hers is a journey of surrendering, a journey to faith, and a journey toward accepting herself as a healer. As in her first book, Black Smoke, Margaret writes with utter honesty, which helps us as we join her on her personal journey and question our own life journey as human beings and as healers.”

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