The Heart-Mind Matrix : How the Heart Can Teach the Mind New Ways to Think - Joseph Chilton Pearce

The Heart-Mind Matrix

How the Heart Can Teach the Mind New Ways to Think

By: Joseph Chilton Pearce, Robert Sardello (Foreword by)

Paperback | 22 August 2012

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Activating the compassionate intelligence of the heart to reconnect to the universe and our spiritual future

• Shows how the heart is connected to our prefrontal cortex and offers a balancing counterweight to the calculating intellect of the lower brain

• Explains how we are stuck in reactive behavior loops resulting from the loss of the nurturing culture of our ancestors

• Reveals how the Heart-Mind Matrix connects us to the universe and is the engine of spiritual evolution

Expanding the revolutionary theories of mind explored in the bestselling The Crack in the Cosmic Egg and The Biology of Transcendence, Joseph Chilton Pearce explains how the heart provides the balancing intelligence to the brain’s calculating intellect, an innate system of emotional-mental coherence lost generations ago through a breakdown of the nurturing culture of our ancestors. By severing ourselves from our heart intelligence, we are left with our selfish, survival-oriented reptilian brains, which create and reinforce “strange loops” between potential and actual reality, leading to our modern world’s endless cycle of self-inflicted disasters and societal crises. Pearce explains that in order to break these cycles and transcend a life focused solely on surviving the results of our own reactive patterns, we must reconnect with the compassionate intelligence of the heart.

Offering a rich variety of evidence, Pearce explores neurological research, lost and enduring nurturing cultures, personal experiences, and accounts from the lives and writings of modern sages such as Jane Goodall, Maria Montessori, and Rudolf Steiner. He shows that by activating the original matrix of the Heart-Mind--the engine of our spiritual evolution and our innate connection to the universe--we can teach our brains new ways to think, amend our destructive behavior loops, and enter into a future of peace, spiritual connection, and conscious evolution.
Industry Reviews
“Of the hundreds of books about evolution I have read, some of which I’ve written myself, this book best captures the sense of what evolution is. It takes you into a realm of celestial playfulness to provide a sense of its living presence, of what it feels like. It is like the difference between looking at evolution through a microscope, or laid out in charts on a wall, and feeling yourself within it, part of it--and able to do something about it.”

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