Contact Yoga : The Seven Points of Connection and Transformation - Anodea Judith

Contact Yoga

The Seven Points of Connection and Transformation

By: Anodea Judith, Tara Lynda Guber

Paperback with Flaps on Inside & Back Covers | 1 May 2012

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In Contact Yoga, Tara Guber presents the inspiring vision and philosophy of yoga created to inform and enhance your relationships with friends, lovers, and yoga partners. Grounded in traditional yoga postures, the Contact Yoga method explores that mysterious and dynamic edge where two people connect physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This book offers valuable insight into the emotional and energetic dynamics of relationship, breaking down the barriers that keep us separated and putting us more deeply in touch with our partners and ourselves. Whether practising with friends, classmates, coworkers, yoga partners, or lovers, the method opens the pathway to more successful and fulfilling relationships.

Tara Guber is joined by internationally recognised yogis and film and television personalities who reveal for the camera their intimate experiences of relationship as evoked by Contact Yoga. Through these candid moments, we are brought inside the practice, as these individuals relate how Contact Yoga stretches, expands, and enhances their lives.

Even someone who does not practice yoga will find the philosophy informative and inspirational. Contact Yoga is direct, practical, and effective a "real world" encounter with a practice that produces immediate results for a physical, emotional, and spiritual body that will transform your daily life.

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