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Hidden Universe Travel Guides: The Complete Marvel Cosmos : With Notes by the Guardians of the Galaxy - Marc Sumerak

Hidden Universe Travel Guides: The Complete Marvel Cosmos

With Notes by the Guardians of the Galaxy

By: Marc Sumerak

Paperback | 25 October 2016

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The ultimate guidebook to Earth, the Nine Realms, and other dimensions from Marvel Comics, as told by Peter Quill, Rocket, Groot, and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy. 

Ever since Super Heroes like Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy started stomping around planet Earth, we’ve had to open our horizons a little and embrace the wider reaches of space. If you’re thinking of journeying to one of the many new realms for a little R’n’R, then don’t leave home without Hidden Universe’s guide to the cosmos. Whether you’re looking to enjoy the divine splendor of Asgard or soak up the multicultural atmosphere of intergalactic waypoint Knowhere, this is the book for you. It even provides some tips on surviving excursions to Planet Moord and Chitauri Prime, if you like your vacations to be on the extreme side. 

•    SEE THE COSMOS – Features information on the hot spots, history, and culture of more than forty locations in the Marvel Universe, including Planet X, Halfworld, Weirdworld, and the Planet of the Symbiotes. 

•    REDISCOVER EARTH – Get the lowdown on some of the Earth's most exotic and mysterious locations, such as Wakanda, Latveria, the Savage Land, and New Attilan. 

•    GET INVALUABLE ADVICE – Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot, aka the Guardians of the Galaxy, have filled this book with their own unique travel tips, from where to get a drink in Alfheim to dealing with Ego the Living Planet. 

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