Sacred Woman, Sacred Dance : Awakening Spirituality Through Movement and Ritual - Iris J. Stewart

Sacred Woman, Sacred Dance

Awakening Spirituality Through Movement and Ritual

By: Iris J. Stewart

Paperback | 16 January 2013 | Edition Number 2

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Shows how dance, the highest expression of spirituality in cultures and traditions all over the world, is being integrated into the lives of women today

* The first book to explore women's spiritual expression--women's ways--through a study of dance

* Investigates how dance came to be excluded from worship, and reveals how dance is once again being brought into spiritual practices

* Includes resources for further instruction in sacred dance

Today we primarily think of dance as a form of entertainment or as a way to exercise or socialize. There was a time, however, when dance was considered the way to commune with the divine, a part of life's journey, celebrating the seasons and rhythms of the year and the rhythms of our lives. Dance is a language that reunites the body, mind, and soul. While the role of women's sacred dance was most valued in goddess-worshipping cultures where women served as priestesses and healers, dance was once an integral part of religious ritual and ceremonial expression in cultures all over the world, including Judaism and Christianity. In this book the author investigates how dance came to be excluded from worship and reveals how dance is once again being integrated into spiritual practices.

Sacred Woman, Sacred Dance is the first book to explore women's spiritual expression--women's ways--through a study of dance. It describes sacred circles, birth rituals, ecstatic dances, and dances of loss and grief (in groups and individually) that allow women to integrate the movements of faith, healing, and power into their daily life.
Industry Reviews
"If we seek the real source of the dance, if we go to nature, we find that the dance of the future is the dance of the past, the dance of eternity, and has been and will always be the same."

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