F.T.I. Failure to Implement : The 10 Principles of Phenomenal Performance - Howard Partridge

F.T.I. Failure to Implement

The 10 Principles of Phenomenal Performance

By: Howard Partridge

Hardcover | 4 February 2020

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Why is it that we don't do the things we know we should do to be more successful? Is it a lack of time? A lack of discipline? A lack of motivation?

The number one reason most people don't reach their biggest dreams and goals is what international business coach Howard Partridge calls F.T.I. Failure to Implement. Many times, people know what to do and how to do it; they just don't do it. This book reveals the causes of F.T.I. and offers a proven path to overcoming the tendency toward inaction. The four keys to implementation that it outlines will give you the momentum you need to propel yourself to phenomenal success.

Howard has been a business owner for 35 years and has been coaching business owners, leaders, and individuals to success for more than two decades. Now you can profit from his experience and unlock the keys to your biggest dreams and goals. You'll learn:
  • How to recapture the zest of life and renew your vision
  • How to get more done in the less time without sacrificing sleep or family time
  • How to stay focused, inspired, and productive every day
  • How to leverage simple systems to go farther than you ever imagined
  • How to tap into a support community to help you sustain phenomenal success for years to come
About the Author

Howard Partridge grew up on welfare in Alabama and moved to Houston at age 18 with only 25 cents in his pocket. He started his first business at age 23 and has transformed it into a thriving multi-million dollar enterprise. Howard has helped small businesses all over the world dramatically improve their businesses and lives.

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