Calmly Creative Coloring Book for Kids : 23 Designs - Clorophyl Editions

Calmly Creative Coloring Book for Kids

23 Designs

By: Clorophyl Editions

Paperback | 21 September 2022

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The perfect coloring book for kids ages 3-6 in need of a creative quiet time activity, this book features 23 calming and contemporary mandala designs of sleeping alligators, jumping sheep, floating hot air balloons, tropical toucans, smiling stars, and so much more! With repeating circular patterns, brightly colored outlines, and even a dedication page on the back of each design to gift their finished piece to a special someone, this mandala coloring book offers young children a relaxing coloring experience to express themselves as they decompress! Thick heavy stock pages are perfect for markers, crayons, colored pencils, or even paints, and come with perforated edges for easy removal and display.

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