Harry Potter: Quidditch Deluxe Book and Model Set  : Incredibuilds - Jody Revenson

Harry Potter: Quidditch Deluxe Book and Model Set


By: Jody Revenson

Hardcover | 28 June 2016

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An insider's look at the creation of the wizarding world's favorite sport, complete with a customizable 3D Golden Snitch wood model!

Quidditch is beloved by witches and wizards all over the wizarding world. With this deluxe model and book set, get a behind-the-scenes look at how Quidditch was imagined and brought to life for the Harry Potter films-complete with insights from the actors, filmmaking secrets, and thrilling artwork.

This must-have package also includes everything you need to create your own customizable Golden Snitch wood model.

About the Author

Jody Revenson has written extensively about the Harry Potter films. Her most recent books are "Harry Potter: The Creature Vault," "Harry Potter: Magical Places from the Films," and "Harry Potter: The Character Vault."

Harry Potter Novelty Books