Incredibuilds - Assassin's Creed : Deluxe Book and Model Set  - Insight Editions

Incredibuilds - Assassin's Creed

Deluxe Book and Model Set

By: Insight Editions (Created by)

Book with Other Items | 20 December 2016

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This deluxe book comes with everything needed to build a 3D wood model based on the Assassin's Creed franchise.

A saga that spans millennia, Assassin's Creed tells the story of the eternal struggle between the Assassins and Templar. IncrediBuilds: Assassin's Creed offers behind-the-scenes details on the creation of the hit film, with concept art, unit photography, and insider details on the visual design of Abstergo and 15th century Spain.

This deluxe kit also includes a 3D wood model that fans can build and customize. Fun and interactive, this exciting model set is the perfect gift for fans everywhere.

About the Author

Insight Editions creates illustrated books of distinction that celebrate cultural milestones in entertainment, history, and the arts. These lavishly produced and visually stimulating volumes are dedicated to the skillful interplay of word and image. Elegant and informative, books from Insight Editions showcase the best of art and photography in exquisite presentations of the bookmaker s craft.

Incredibuilds 3D Wooden Models