Rogue Rabbi : A Spiritual Quest â" From Seminary to Ashram and Beyond - Jerry Steinberg

Rogue Rabbi

A Spiritual Quest â" From Seminary to Ashram and Beyond

By: Jerry Steinberg

Paperback | 1 August 2012

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This memoir of an adventurous quest for inner peace is complete with explorations of the rational and the mystical, and the many ways of faith

Revealing an understanding of God that goes beyond the conventional, Rogue Rabbi tells the story of a seeker. After traveling to India and investigating the Christian faith, Jerry Steinberg went to medical school and narrowed his focus to psychotherapy -- working with past-life regression, dreams, and psychogenic illness. He also became a rabbi -- but never ceases to explore all aspects of faith, taking up a specialization in Kabbalah, a discipline of Jewish mysticism.

As the author seeks the essence of spirituality through the interface between rationalism and mysticism, and between religion and sexuality, the story of this real-life spiritual explorer both inspires and instructs on the paths to peace and acceptance.

Industry Reviews
"You have to give the man credit. He has never been afraid to push the bounds of knowledge and try new avenues in his ongoing quest for spiritual enlightenment."

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