The Science of TV's the Big Bang Theory : Explanations Even Penny Would Understand - Dave Zobel

The Science of TV's the Big Bang Theory

Explanations Even Penny Would Understand

By: Dave Zobel, Howard Wolowitz (Foreword by)

Paperback | 9 June 2015

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Reveals the hard facts behind the laugh track on TV's most popular sitcom. The Big Bang Theory often features Sheldon, Howard, Leonard, and Raj wisecracking about scientific principles as if Penny and the rest of us should know exactly what they're talking about. Even as fans laugh when the characters are put in their place with sharp dialogue about quantum mechanics, most viewers don't quite understand. The Science of TV's the Big Bang Theory lets all of us in on the punchline by breaking down the show's scientific conversations. From an explanation of why Sheldon would think 73 is the best number, to an experiment involving the physical stature of Wolowitz women, to an argument refuting Sheldon's assertion that engineers are the Oompa-Loompas of science, author Dave Zobel maintains a humorous and informative approach and gives readers enough knowledge to make them welcome on Sheldon's couch.

Industry Reviews
“Beware. Reading this delightful book will allow you to understand what Sheldon Cooper is really saying. And who knows where that might lead. Bazinga!” — Ira Flatow, host of Science Friday and two-time guest star on The Big Bang Theory

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