Grace of a Hawk : The Dove Saga - Abbie Williams

Grace of a Hawk

By: Abbie Williams

Paperback | 1 January 2018

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"Abbie Williams is an author who excels at the romance genre. Her Shore Leave Cafe series is a showcase for her ability to weave a contemporary tapestry, complete with rich characters, vivid settings and seductive moods. With the Dove Saga trilogy, Williams takes those ingredients and deposits them into an historical back drop - in this case, the American Civil War - crafting an epic story that is her most accomplished work to date."—Dean Mayes, Author of: The Hambledown Dream, Gifts of the Peramangk, The Recipient, The Artisan Heart

Reaching his remaining family in Minnesota has been former Confederate soldier Boyd Carter's plan since his journey northward began. Accompanied by his brother Malcolm, the two depart Iowa in the late summer of 1868 beneath a cloud of uncertainty, leaving behind longtime friends Sawyer and Lorie Davis, with promises to reunite in the spring. Also left behind is Rebecca Krage, a woman of quiet passion and grace, whose deep love for Boyd Carter remains unconfessed.

U. S. Marshal Thomas Yancy has been missing since his desperate flight from Rebecca Krage's homestead. Despite assurance that the Yancys will trouble them no longer, Lorie Davis is not convinced. Her and Sawyer's recent joyful discovery is soon overshadowed by the arrival of information that Boyd and Malcolm never reached their destination in the North. Somewhere between Iowa City and St. Paul, the two brothers have apparently vanished. Their paths, interwoven by fate, and their collective strength, must again be tested as they face the greatest threat to their lives yet.

A story of revenge and redemption, the fathomless depths of true love, and all that a person will do to survive.

Grace of Hawk is the final book in a gripping, sweeping romantic saga of pain, unbearable choices, loss and true love set against the backdrop of a scarred, post-Civil War America.

The Dove Saga
1. Heart of a Dove
2. Soul of a Crow
3. Grace of a Hawk

Also from Abbie Williams, A Shore Leave Cafe Romance series:
1. Summer at the Shore Leave Cafe
2. Second Chances
3. A Notion of Love
4. Winter at the White Oaks Lodge
5. Wild Flower
6. The First Law of Love
7. Until Tomorrow
8. The Way Back
9. Return to Yesterday

The story continues in her most recent novel, A Place to Belong.

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