Ask Mother Nature : A Conscious Gardener's Guide - Ellen Vande Visse

Ask Mother Nature

A Conscious Gardener's Guide

By: Ellen Vande Visse

Paperback | 4 January 2009

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Functioning as a spiritual-development manual as well as a beginner's gardening guide, this informative reference teaches gardeners how to bring the angelic dimension of cocreation into their green thumb work by communicating directly with nature. A plentiful supply of earthy examples in the form of first-person narratives spell out the steps necessary to garden in conscious cooperation with joyful devas and nature spirits, such as allowing gardeners to consult with pests before waging chemical warfare and to seek approval from trees and shrubs before making drastic cuts. The fun, simple strategies showcased in the guide--including sections on fertilizer and compost, plus tips about specific vegetables, soils, and insects--do not require psychic abilities or meditation skills to bring forth the continual miracles that will maximize a garden's potential. Appendices include a who's-who of devas and nature spirits and a short review of the classic Findhorn Garden story.
Industry Reviews
"It is wonderful to come across a book that deals with the intelligence of nature as well as giving precise and practical examples of creative cooperation with it."

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