The Alchemy of Voice : Transform and Enrich Your Life Through the Power of Your Voice - Stewart Pearce

The Alchemy of Voice

Transform and Enrich Your Life Through the Power of Your Voice

By: Stewart Pearce

Paperback | 1 January 2010 | Edition Number 2

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"He who knows the secret of sound, knows the mystery of the whole universe."---Hazrat Inayat Khan

"This book is a MUST for anyone interested in any kind of speaking, whether this be public or private for captains of industry or actors---with his outstanding, knowledge and presence Stewart can literally change your life!"---Barbara Gaines, Chicago Shakespeare Theater

Your voice is your identity in sound. It is far more than just a means with which to communicate your thoughts and feelings; it is the expression of your integrity and individuality in the world!

Here are straightforward but highly effective techniques Stewart Pearce has used with stars and top businesses for developing vocal skills and using them to their best advantage in all areas of life. Discover your personal `signature note'---your unique pitch and resonance of voice that allows you to tune into your whole mind and body and be more appealing and persuasive to others. Use the easy-to-follow exercises to achieve inner balance and harmony, boost confidence, add colour and energy to your self-expression and smooth the way with difficult people and situations.
Industry Reviews
"Stewart's gift is to show us how extraordinary the power of the voice can be."

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