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From The Cross to Pentecost : God's Passionate Love for Us Revealed - T.D. Jakes

From The Cross to Pentecost

God's Passionate Love for Us Revealed

By: T.D. Jakes

Paperback | 26 March 2010

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In his new book FROM THE CROSS TO PENTECOST, New York Times bestselling author T.D. Jakes explores the importance of Christ's sacrifice on the cross and emphasizes the power of the Holy Spirit in Christians' lives. The ultimate result of Jesus's death on the cross sealed the disconnect created by Adam's fall in the Garden of Eden and reconnected the cord between God and humanity through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God's gift of the Holy Spirit not only gives us power but anoints us to be witnesses for Him. God has something glorious for every one of us who believes. The relationship with the Holy Spirit empowers us to serve with joy.

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