Dolphins, ETs & Angels : Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences - Timothy Wyllie

Dolphins, ETs & Angels

Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences

By: Timothy Wyllie

Paperback | 3 January 1993

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Swim with wild dolphins and learn how to listen to their quiet tendrils of telepathic communication. Encounter an ET and learn how to remain calm and casual while talking to such a presence. Most of all, expand and extend your consciousness to encompass the new energies sweeping our planet, heralded by angelic forces.
Industry Reviews
"This is a stunning spontaneous autobiography. I use the word 'stunning' psychologically, physiologically, and spiritually.

"Wyllie is an obviously highly intelligent person trained as an architect who was co-creator of a dedicated community for 15 years of highly intensive activity affording only a few hours of sleep a day. Until opened by his experiences, he was adamant in believing, as science tells us we should, only what came to him empirically via his senses. He learned how wrong his approach had been. By extension, so may we all who look to objective empirical verification as the only road to follow when determining what is true.

"Every major change in his life was initiated by an exceptional experience, which Wyllie was perceptive enough to work with and grow by, becoming more than he was before he had these startling experiences, including: being home to a nest of hallucinated snakes, an OBE in which he died and chose to come back, a visit to heaven, synchronicity, telepathic rapport with dolphins, rescue by dolphins, experiences with aliens, dreams, automatic writing, cosmic consciousness, awareness of a conscious universe, rise of psychic ability, experiences of mythic reality, a network of light, sympathizing with the devil, trance mediumship, inklings of planetary stewardship, ET experiences, and angelic experiences.

"Intertwined is the story of the evolution of the consciousness and being of the narrator, who would doubtless be certified as crazy by some, but whose sense and sensibility, intelligence and humor, compassion and caring are evident from the first page to the last."

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