Transforming Your Dragons : How to Turn Fear Patterns into Personal Power - José Stevens

Transforming Your Dragons

How to Turn Fear Patterns into Personal Power

By: José Stevens

Paperback | 1 January 1994

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Treat yourself to the best homework assignment of your life - and read this book! Take the Dragon Personality Test to identify which of the seven dragons - Arrogance Self-Deprecation Impatience Martyrdom Self-Destruction Greed and Stubbornness - are your primary and secondary dragons. Then sit back and enjoy the humorous hands-on teachings of psychotherapist Jose Stevens as he takes you through the lives of ordinary everyday people who have learned how to deal with and conquer these same dragons. As a result you will : have all of your energy available to make choices be a magnet and role model for people around you no longer attract those people who are compulsively drawn to your weaknesses be a genuinely attractive human being not attractive because of your dramas find compassion for others still in the grip of their own dragons have the power that comes from being truly at peace.
Industry Reviews
"In a clear, direct, down-to-earth fashion, José Stevens leads the reader through the process of identifying, classifying, and transforming pervasive patterns of negativity and resistance. A most useful and practical work both for ordinary people and for professional people helpers."

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