Ramayana : A Tale of Gods and Demons - Ranchor Prime


A Tale of Gods and Demons

By: Ranchor Prime, B.G. Sharma (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 11 September 2001

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From the kingdom of Ayodhya to the isle of Lanka, we are transported to a land that has inspired morality and spiritual tradition for thousands of years. On the eve if his enthronement, Rama, the beloved prince of Ayodhya, is banished to the forest as a result of a sinister plot. Along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, Rama accepts his destiny and departs as the kingdom mourns his loss. His exile, however, proves to have a deeper meaning as Rama becomes the protector of the forest sages and sparks the fury of Ravana, the seemingly invincible demon who terrorizes both humans and gods alike. In a vengeful act, Ravana kidnaps Sita, taking her across the ocean to Lanka. Now Rama, with the help of an army of monkeys, must fight to reclaim his dear bride and his honor.

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