2024 Witch's Diary - Southern Hemisphere - Flavia Kate Peters

2024 Witch's Diary - Southern Hemisphere

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Does your heart feel the pull of nature and do you hear the whispers of the ancestors on the breeze? Do you bask in the power of the sun and the moon, welcome the cycles of the seasons and yearn for a deep connection with the earth?

Witches have been around since the beginning of time, harnessing magick and connecting with higher powers. They were the wise ones of the village and used their knowledge of nature to heal the sick and restore balance to the world around them.

The 2023 Witch's Diary will awaken the witch within and help you discover the freedom to express who you truly are.

This practical guide will show you how to harness the magic of nature, reclaim your personal power through the discovery of ancient wisdom and embrace the feminine divine. You will journey through the year, learning to work with the forces of nature through spell work, incantations, rituals, sigils, age-old recipes and charms that use herbs, candles and crystals.

About the Authors

Flavia Kate Peters, known as the Faery Seer, is a hereditary witch and high priestess of Arnemetia and of Morrighan. Recognised as the UK's leading elemental and ancient magic expert, Flavia teaches her professional certification 'magickal' courses at the College of Psychic Studies, London and is a regular presenter on the mind, body, spirit and pagan circuits. Flavia is a best-selling author, working medium and clairvoyant and has appeared on TV and BBC Radio. She regularly graces the pages of Spirit & Destiny magazine and is a columnist for FAE and Witchcraft & Wicca magazines. Her authentic approach makes her a most sought-after wisdom keeper, and her mission is to keep the magic of the old ways alive!

Known as the Highland Seer, Barbara Meiklejohn-Free is a high priestess of Isis and of the Cailleach. She is a hereditary, eclectic and solitary witch who was initiated into the craft when she was 16 years old. Barbara is a best-selling and award-winning author and a teacher, advocate and protector of the great earth-centred traditions. She has taught mediumship, trans-mediumship and shamanism at Arthur Findlay College, Edinburgh College and the College of Psychic Studies, London. She draws on her extensive work with indigenous cultures from around the world, weaving this together with a deep understanding and wisdom of the ancient landscape of her own pagan heritage. Barbara hosts rites, rituals and ceremonies across the world.

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