The Psychology of Joss Whedon : An Unauthorized Exploration of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly - Joy Davidson

The Psychology of Joss Whedon

An Unauthorized Exploration of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly

By: Joy Davidson (Editor), Leah Wilson (Editor)

Paperback | 10 November 2007

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First there was Buffy the Vampire Slayer; then its spin-off Angel; then the cult hit Firefly; and its follow-up film, Serenity. They all had two things in common: their creator, Joss Whedon . . . and their surprising psychological depth.

Revisit the worlds of Joss Whedon … with trained psychologists at your side. What are the psychological effects of constantly fighting for your life? Why is neuroscience the Whedonverse’s most terrifying villain? How can watching Joss’s shows help you take on your own psychological issues?

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