Spiritual Simplicity : Doing Less, Loving More - Chip Ingram

Spiritual Simplicity

Doing Less, Loving More

By: Chip Ingram, Chris Tiegreen (As told to)

Paperback | 1 June 2020

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Discover the answer to our culture’s need for simplicity and peace—by doing less and loving more.

If you crave simplicity, yearn for peace and calm, this is the book for you. Author Chip Ingram goes beyond quick fixes and speaks to all of us who find it impossible to break free of our busy lifestyles, filled with too many good and important things that fill our schedules.

The message of this book is simple: Spiritual simplicity will not be achieved by strategic attempts to control our lives and schedules but through doing less because we are able to love more. As you learn the practice of loving people, you will experience a shift from complex to simple, from hurried to peaceful, from “never enough time” to “time enough for those you love.” It’s time to redirect our focus from the complex, overextended lifestyle that keeps us running but never arriving. In Spiritual Simplicity, learn how to “reorient your life around life. The result is a life whose priorities are so radically rearranged that” (Dave Stone, author of the Faithful Families series) lasting change is finally within your reach.

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