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Profile of Legal Malpractice Claims 2020-2023 - Noah D. Fiedler

Profile of Legal Malpractice Claims 2020-2023

By: Noah D. Fiedler, Eileen R. Garczynski, Jessica R. MacGregor, Zachary Ballweg

Paperback | 12 February 2025

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The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Lawyers' Professional Liability's Profile of Legal Malpractice Claims 2020-2023 is the latest in a series of quadrennial studies of the state of the U.S. and Canadian legal malpractice claim trends published by the Standing Committee.

First released in 1985, the Profile has tracked legal malpractice claims as reported by participating carriers for thirty years. This one-of-a-kind data analysis produced by the ABA is eagerly anticipated by attorneys and insurance industry professionals as it provides an in-depth look at both current trends as well as comparisons to historical data collected from the participating legal malpractice insurance carriers.

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