In this remarkable book, the editors have pulled together a broad and fascinating collection of essays on a critically important issue: linking the administration of public programs with the public values they bring to life. The book is, at once, deeply embedded in rich tradition that stretches back for generations--and full of fresh, innovative insights into how the administrative process defines and advances the common wealth. Bryson, Crosby, and Bloomberg have gathered some of the very best minds in the field into this book's chapters and, in a masterly way, they have brought together very different streams of thought into a fresh, forward-looking approach sure to be of keen interest to practitioners and scholars alike.
--Donald Kettl, professor of Public Policy, University of Maryland
Public value has been a major theme in public administration for over twenty years. In this edited collection a group of top scholars in the field use the public value lens to examine how it can be used to help managers focus on public value and then on how to measure it.
--H. Brinton Milward, Providence Service Corporation Chair in Public Management, Director, School of Government and Public Policy, University of Arizona
This book brings together some of the world's foremost experts on the topic of Public Value. Together these authors push our intellectual boundaries with their compelling analyses and thoughtful insights. This book is a 'must read' for those around the world interested in the creation of public value.
--Rosemary O'Leary, Edwin O. Stene Distinguished Professor of Public Administration, School of Public Affairs, University of Kansas
This book is a refreshing, contemporary look at the public value movement in public administration. It features contributions from some of the most prominent scholars in the field. One of the distinctive qualities of this book is that the authors advance a host of definitions of public value and illustrate different approaches to measurement and, ultimately, to 'valuing' public value. This book will appeal to scholars and students in a host of areas including public management, performance measurement and management, program evaluation, strategic planning, and policy analysis.
--Norma Riccucci, School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University, Newark