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Re-examining Insolvency Law and Theory : Perspectives for the 21st Century - Emilie Ghio
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Re-examining Insolvency Law and Theory

Perspectives for the 21st Century

By: Emilie Ghio (Editor), John M. Wood (Editor), Jennifer L.L. Gant (Editor)

Hardcover | 8 December 2023

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An original book offering a unique theoretical approach, Re-examining Insolvency Law and Theory analyses the important role that legal theory plays in the development of insolvency law. It explores how law and theory are able to respond to issues of financial distress in the 21st century and questions how insolvency law could develop to address contemporary challenges.

Re-examining Insolvency Law and Theory brings together international experts in insolvency, who consider the key conceptual influences that have impacted insolvency law since the beginning of the 21st century. Chapters address a number of theoretical perspectives, divided into overall philosophical considerations, theoretical criticisms of the internal mechanisms of insolvency law, and how external theoretical paradigms could be used to shift perspectives on insolvency frameworks. Presenting a distinctive and conceptually holistic approach, this erudite book provides an essential contribution to an ever evolving area of legal research and practice.

Re-examining Insolvency Law and Theory is a crucial read for academics and students interested in insolvency law both in the UK and internationally. It will also be highly insightful for legal professionals and practitioners specialising in insolvency law.

Industry Reviews
'This important new text offers clear and accessible theoretical perspectives on insolvency law, bringing varied perspectives together through readable introductory chapters. At one time the main insolvency law theories were well-rehearsed and it was necessary to search far and wide for the fresh insights that this book brings in one volume. In discussion of key theoretical concepts, theorists and perspectives from other disciplines this text will be extremely valuable for researchers with interests in insolvency law and will inspire further reading.' -- Rebecca Parry, Nottingham Trent University, UK
'This collection is a very welcome contribution to scholarship in relation to the law of corporate insolvency and rescue. The doctrinal features of this body of law are complex and challenging. The addition of a theoretical analysis is long overdue, partly I am sure because of the intellectual challenges of combining theory with doctrinal clarity. The authors have done so admirably, not surprising to those of us who are aware of the standing and reputation of many of the contributors to the collection. This is a volume which is a "must have" for all interested in the subject.' -- Irene Lynch Fannon, University College Cork, Ireland

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