Readers Digest Atlas of The World - Reader's Digest

Readers Digest Atlas of The World

By: Reader's Digest (Other Primary Creator)

Hardcover | 1 November 2010

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This indispensable, great-value world atlas offers a vivid, informative and up-to-date overview of the world today.

This new authoritative atlas is completely up-to-date, providing gloriously detailed maps and thoroughly researched information about the continents, countries, locations and geological features of every corner of the world. More than 200 pages of the clear, dynamic maps detail every feature of the globe, from the simmering hot deserts of Africa to the frozen expanse of Antarctica. A detailed profile of each continent covers a wide variety of key information, including population, total area, largest and smallest countries, highest and lowest points, longest rivers and much more. As well, snapshots of each of the world's 195 nation states include information on population, life expectancy, capital, currency and more.

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