Part One: The Rules of the Game.
1. The Prisoner's Dilemma (Philip D. Straffin, Jr.).
2. A two-Person Dilemma (Albert Tucker).
3. Equilibrium Points in N-Person Games (John F. Nash Jr.).
4. Non-Cooperative Games (John F. Nash, Jr.).
5. To Ensure High Prices, Some Haulers Have Been Known to Break
the Rules (Jeff Bailey).
6. Cash Flow: 'Pay to Play' is Banned, But Muni-Bond Firms Keep
the game Going (Charles Gasparino and Josh P. Hamilton).
7. School of Genius (Sylvia Nasar).
8. Cartoon: Ratbert the Consultant (Scott Adams).
Part Two: Information.
9. The Donation Booth (Ian Ayres and Jeremy Bulow).
10. The Horatii and the Curiatii (Livy).
11. TREES - A Decision-Maker's Lament (Michael H. Rothkopf).
12. Knowing and Sowing Economic s and Law (Judith Lachman).
13. Cartoon: "All Those in Favor, Say 'Aye'" (Henry
Part Three: Mixed and Continuous Strategies.
14. Colonel Blotto: A Problem of Military Strategy (John
McDonald and John W. Tukey).
15. Dutch Accountants Take on a Formidable Task: Ferreting Our
"Cheaters" in the Ranks of OPEC (Paul Hemp).
16. Shipping Price-Fixing Pacts Hurt Consumers, Critics Say
(Anna Wilde Mathews).
17. The Conference Handbook (George Stigler).
18. Cartoon:" Very Guilty" (Jim Unger).
Part Four: Dynamic Games with Symmetric Information.
19. On An Application of Set Theory to the Theory of the Game of
Chess (Ernst Zermelo).
20. The Strategy of Conflict (Thomas C. Schelling).
21. Does the Fittest Necessarily Survive (Martin Shubik).
22. Shooting the Bird's Eye (Elizabeth Seeger).
23. Cartoon: "That's It? That's Peer Review (Sidney
Part Five: Reputat8iona and Repeated Games with Symmetric
24. The Evolution of Cooperation (Robert Axelrod and William D.
25. This Tax Amnesty Will Work Only Once (Robert J. Barro and
Alan Stockman).
26. Fare Warning: How Airlines Trade Price Plans (Asra Q.
27. Starting Research Early (Harry V. Roberts and Roman L.
28. Cartoon: Einstein Discovers that Time is Actually Money
(Gary Larson).
Part Six: Dynamic Games with Incomplete Information.
29. Rational Cooperation in the Finitely Repeated Prisoners'
Dilemma (David M. Kreps, Paul Milgrom, John Roberts, and Robert
30. Cheap Talk, Coordinating, and Entry (Joseph Farrell).
31. Wise Guy: Life in a Mafia Family (Nicholas Pileggi).
32. Cartoon: "Say, I Think I See Where We Went Off..." (Ed
Part Seven: Moral Hazard: Hidden Actions.
33. Monopoly Slack and Competitive Rigor: A Simple Model (Joseph
34. An Optimal Conviction Policy for Offenses that May Have Been
Committed by Accident (Ariel Rubinstein).
35. Bonded Worker is No Guarantee of a Perfect Job (Teri
36. Cartoon: "Look, Ted! We Get Paid the Same as You but All
We're Doing is Standing Around and Flicking our Fingers" (Scott
Part Eight: Further Topics in Moral Hazard.
37. Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith).
38. Examples of Plea Bargains (Eric Rasmusen).
39. Unions Say Auto Firms Us Interplant Rivalry to Raise Work
Quotas (Dael D. Buss).
40. Cartoon: "Dilbert, I Want You to Manage Wally's Project
While He's on Vacation in Aruba" (Scott Adams).
Part Nine: Adverse Selection.
41. The Market for "Lemons": Quality Uncertainty and the Market
Mechanism (George A. Akerlof).
42. The Only Game in Town (Walter Begehot (Pseudonym for Jack
43. Are Advertisers Ready to Pay Their Viewers (Bart
44. The Creation of New Mathematics: An Application of the
Lakatos Heuristic (Philip J. David, Reuben Hersh, and Elena
45. Cartoon: Frank's Neurosurgery (Gary Larson).
Part Ten: Mechanism Design in Adverse Selection and in Moral
Hazard with Hidden Information.
46. Tie Salesmen's Bonuses to Their Forecasts (Jacob Gonik).
47. Car-Buying Services Can Save Money, Especially for Those who
Hate Haggling (Melinda Grenier Gules).
48. How to Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time (Hal R.
49. Cartoon: "Of Course That's Only an Estimate..." (Sidney
Part Eleven: Signaling.
50. High and Declining Prices Signal Product Quality (Kyle
Bagwell and Michael H. Riordan).
51. The Argument of an Appeal (John W. Davis).
52. Cartoon: "Yes, but the Trouble is he Always Wears that
Mysterious Smile" (Sidney Hoff).
Part Twelve: Bargaining.
53. The Bargaining Problem.
54. Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model (Ariel
55. UPS Faces More Than $1 Billion a Year in New Labor Expenses:
Pact Calls for Substantial Pay Increases, Full-Time Jobs and a
Union Pension Plan (Douglas A. Blackmon, Martha Brannigan, Glenn
Burkins, and Laura Jereski).
56. Cartoon: "Whatever Happened to Elegant Solutions?" (Sidnye
Part Thirteen: Auctions.
57. The Dollar Auction Game: A Paradox in Noncooperative
Behavior and Escalation (Martin Shubik).
58. Analyzing the Airwaves Auction (R. Preston McAfee and John
59. At Many Auctions, Illegal Bidding Thrives as a Longtime
Practice Among Dealers (Meg Cox).
60. Cartoon: "The Next Item up for Bid is the Presidency of the
United States..." (Rob Rogers).
Part Fourteen : Pricing.
61. Stability in Competition (Harold Hotelling).
62. The Mathematical Economic of Professor Amoroso (Francis
63. Existence and Computation of Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium
for 3-Firms Location Problem (Avner Shaked).
64. Busting a Trust: Electrical Contractors Reel Under Charges
That They Rigged Bids (Andy Pasztor).
65. Cartoon: "Isn't it Great that We Don't Get Any More Pesky
Calls during Dinner Asking us to Switch Long-Distance Companies
(Rob Rogers).
Part Fifteen: Entry.
66. The Fat-Cat Effect, the Puppy-Dog Ploy, and the Lean and
Hungry Look (Drew Fudenberg and Jean Tirole).
67. Drugs: Novel Heart-Drug Deal Protects Sales, Spurs Suit
(Ralph T. King, JR.).
68. Aphorisms on Writing, Speaking, and Listening (Ric
69. Cartoon: Henry and the Candy Shop (Carl Anderson).