Part 1 Review articles in mathematical programming: recent advances in global optimization - a tutorial survey, Reiner Horst; two-level resource control pre-emptive hierarchical linear programming problem - a review, Subhash C Narula and Adiele D Nwosu; some recent developments in infinite programming, A H Philpott; recent developments in mathematical programming software for the microcomputer, R Sharda and D M Steiger; C-programming - its theory and applications, M Sniedovich. Part 2 Multi-criteria optimization: aspects of multicriteria optimization, D D Craven; a duality theorem for a fractional multiobjective problem with square root terms, R R Egudo; efficiency and duality theory for a class of differentiable multiobjective programming problems with invexity, Z Ali Khan; efficiency and duality theory for a class of nondifferentiable multiobjective progams, Ali Khan; symmetric duality for nonlinear multiobjective programming, R Mond and T Weir. Part 3 System optimization and heuristics: data envelopment analysis - comparative tool, M J Foster; a study of protean systems - some heuristic strategies for redundancy optimisation, R Kalyan and S Kumar. Part 4 Interior-point approach and quadratic programming: nearest points in nonsimplicial cones and LCP's with PSD symmetric matrices, K S Al-Sultan and K G Murty; a study on monotropic piecewise quadratic programming, Jie Sun; interior-point algorithms for quadratic programming, Yinyu-Ye. Part 5 Computational efficiency methods and software: problems in protean systems - computer programs for some solution methods, Radhu Kulyan and Santosh Kumar; alternative methods for representing the inverse of linear programming basis matrices, Gaulam Mitra and Mehredad Tamiz; toward parallel computing on personal computers in mathematical programming, Moshe Sniedovich. Part 6 Mathematical programming applications: a mixed integer model of petroleum fields with moving platforms, D Haugland et al; optimal stochastic hydro-thermal scheduling using non-linear programming technique, D P Kothari; nonlinear programming applied to the dynamic rescheduling of trains, R G J Mills and S E Perkins; network routing applications in national and regional planning, J P Saksena; an application of the lagrangean relaxation based approach to the bulk commodity production distribution problem, R R K Sharma. Part 7 Algorithms, games and paradox: flow truncation in a four axial sums' transportation problem, L Bandapadhyaya and M C Puri; continuous linear programs and continuous matrix game equivalence, S Chandra et al; a short note on a path following interpretation of the primaldual algorithm, Patrick Tobin and Santosh Kumar; on a paradox in linear practional transportation problems, V Verma and M C Puri; nash equilibrium points of stochastic n-uels, P Zeephongsekul.