Research Handbook on the Brussels Ibis Regulation : Research Handbooks in European Law series - Peter Mankowski
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Research Handbook on the Brussels Ibis Regulation

By: Peter Mankowski (Editor)

Hardcover | 2 March 2020

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This timely Research Handbook addresses the cutting edges of the Brussels Ibis Regulation, in particular its place within the overall system of EU law and its adaptations in response to lawsuits or the needs of particular industries. Featuring original research by leading academics from across Europe, chapters take a systematic approach to examining a broad variety of topics in relation to this, analysing the most recent developments in legislation and practice and providing an outlook on the future of this field of EU law.
Industry Reviews
'Professor Mankowski, at the head of a select group of jurists from different European countries, has chosen to analyse some of the most important issues of the Brussels Ibis Regulation frequently discussed in court. If you are looking for a clear, accurate and rigorous legal analysis, this is the right book for you.'
--Alfonso-Luis Calvo Caravaca, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain

'This timely book makes a major contribution to EU private international law by exploring and analysing 15 highly topical and emerging areas of international civil and commercial practice: it draws together arguments, presently scattered across the specialist literature of many legal systems, to illuminate each area by such excellent and clear expert comment that its purchase is plainly essential. Courts, practitioners and academics will all soon have reason to be grateful for its publication.'
--Jonathan Fitchen, University of Aberdeen, UK

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