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Responsible Investing : 2nd Edition - An Introduction to Environmental, Social, and Governance Investments - Matthew W. Sherwood

Responsible Investing

2nd Edition - An Introduction to Environmental, Social, and Governance Investments

By: Matthew W. Sherwood, Julia Pollard

Paperback | 15 May 2023 | Edition Number 2

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Responsible Investing serves as a holistic resource on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing for undergraduate and graduate programs. It provides a thorough background and history of ESG investing, as well as cutting-edge industry developments, introducing the reader to the rapidly evolving field of responsible investing.

Building on the first edition, this second edition provides updates where appropriate, as well as new emphasis on the development of standards in terminology and metrics. Opening with the background of ESG investing, the book discusses the development of ESG risks and provides an overview of ESG rating systems. It outlines the current position of ESG investing in portfolio management through granular analysis, offers insight into common investor concerns about ESG investments, presents qualitative theories, and reviews literature modeling ESG investment performance. Finally, the authors provide readers with a foundation on the development of financial models measuring risk and return, which can be used to evaluate the performance of ESG investments. This edition features updated statistics and a new chapter on regulation, reporting, and taxonomy in ESG investing, as well as new international case studies.

Following a summary approach, Responsible Investing is a valuable textbook, providing a context in which upper-level students of ESG investment and sustainable finance can specialize.

About the Authors

Matthew W. Sherwood, Ph.D., is the Chief Executive Officer at WeVidIt Media, Inc. He is also an appointed Fellow in Business and Finance, an adjunct faculty member at The King’s College, and a guest lecturer at Columbia University, where he lectures on ESG Investing. Sherwood is also Investment Committee Member for both the Lavelle Foundation and the Guide Dog Foundation & America’s Vet Dogs.

Julia Pollard is Product Manager covering Emerging Market Debt strategies at AllianceBernstein (AB). Pollard recently published "Establishing ESG as Risk Premia," which was published in 2018 in the Journal of Investment Management and "The Risk Adjusted Return Potential of Integrating ESG Strategies into Emerging Market Equities," which was published in 2017 in the Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investments.

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