Retirement Reality Check : How To Spend All Your Money And Still Leave An Amazing Legacy - Josh Jalinski

Retirement Reality Check

How To Spend All Your Money And Still Leave An Amazing Legacy

By: Josh Jalinski

Paperback | 22 January 2019

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How many of us follow the same advice our grandparents followed: contribute whatever we can to our 401(k) and hope it's enough when the time comes to retire

Millions of Americans did just that and in 2008, after years of saving the conventional way, the market crashed and took their entire nest egg, seemingly overnight. Josh Jalinski, host of the popular Financial Quarterback™ radio program, offers his proven system for a SWAN (sleep-well-at-night) retirement that works for people in all stages of their careers.

Retirement Reality Check challenges fifty years of conventional retirement planning with fresh strategies tailored to today's volatile economic climate:
  • The old warhorse 401(k) is great but nowhere near enough for most retirees and definitely not reliable.
  • It's okay to spend some of your IRA money before you are 70½.
  • You can spend a lot more than 4 percent a year of your savings when you retire.
  • Don't shun annuities and whole life insurance policies; use the right ones and use them cleverly.
Retirement should be a time to enjoy family, friends, and travel, without worrying about your financial security. Josh Jalinski shows you how to maximize your retirement spending, while still having something to leave behind to your loved ones and favorite causes.

It's time create a new paradigm, one that will stand up against market volatility and be there when it's time to enjoy the years you worked so hard for. Do you have enough saved to enjoy your retirement Will you be able to fund your bucket list Are you prepared to for the tax increases and medical bills that come with retirement

In this practical new guide, Jalinski guides you through his proven system for planning for a secure retirement that lets you enjoy your money, including:
  • Tax-saving strategies to maximize the amount of money you have available to spend on experiences, travel, and expenses
  • Understanding the right investment mix, depending on your individual circumstances
  • How saving cash and different life insurance options help you weather volatility and ensure you can pass wealth on to family members

About the Author

Josh Jalinski hosts the popular Financial Quarterback radio show, which attracts approximately 112,000 listeners every week, and is the CEO of Jalinski Advisory Group. He has been a Five Star Wealth Manager five years in a row and was named Advisor of the Year by Senior Market Advisor magazine. Jalinski is committed to helping clients of all income levels maximize wealth and create a realistic financial plan for present and future security.
Industry Reviews
'Josh is a great resource and expert in assembling thoughtful investment strategies for millennials to baby boomers. His against-the-grain and fresh insight offers traditional investors an opportunity to live a financially fulfilling life while setting themselves up for a secure and enjoyable retirement.' --Harry S. Dent, bestselling author and renowned economic forecaster
'It is not every day that a book comes along that changes the way you think about investing and saving. Investing isn't just about accumulating. Investing should let you 'spend 'til the end.' Josh's book is revolutionary. He offers valuable and important tax-smart guidance that will help you enjoy your money in your working and retirement years. Go read this book now!' --Dr. Larry Kotlikoff, world renowned economist and New York Times bestselling author

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