Electoral Geography, the analysis of spatial patterns of voting, is undergoing a renaissance with new methodological advances, theoretical shifts and changes in the political landscape. Integrating new conceptual approaches with a broad array of case studies from the USA, Europe and Asia, this volume examines key questions in electoral geography: How has electoral geography changed since the 1980s when the last wave of works in this sub discipline appeared? In what ways does contemporary scholarship in social theory inform the analysis of elections and their spatial patterns? How has electoral geography been reconfigured by social and technological changes and those that shape the voting process itself? How can the comparative analysis of elections inform the field? In addressing these issues, the volume moves electoral geography beyond its traditional, empiricist focus on the United States to engage with contemporary theoretical developments and to outline the myriad theoretical, conceptual and methodological perspectives and applications that together are ushering in electoral geography''s revitalization. The result is a broader, comparative analysis of how elections reflect and in turn shape social and spatial relations.
Industry Reviews
A Yankee Book Peddler UK Core Title for 2011 'Revitalizing Electoral Geography is a highly welcome contribution to the geography literature with fourteen authors providing a needed update to the field. Particularly valuable are the rich diversity of topics and approaches, the balance between non-US and US subjects, and the embracing of rich theoretical diversity.' Richard Morrill, University of Washington, USA 'This collection of essays demonstrates the usefulness and insights of electoral geography studies that navigate between traditional spatial-analytic approaches and contemporary theorizations of space, place, and power. The volume serves as nothing less than a clarion call for a new generation of political geographers to take up the critically important challenge of helping us understand how elections reflect and shape geographical context - not just in the United States, but beyond.' Alexander B. Murphy, University of Oregon, USA 'Two well-respected editors have assembled some of the finest minds working in the field of spatial politics and electoral geography. Precise articles covering both the American and international election experience give practical examples of recent electoral behavior. Weaved through the entire book, from the introductory conceptual chapters to the specific examples, both theory and analytical techniques pushed forward the literature in the field.' Kenneth C. Martis, West Virginia University, USA 'Revitalizing Electoral Geography is a marvelous collection of essays that showcases the finest of contemporary electoral geographies. It demonstrates a remarkably wide range of theoretical, empirical, and methodological approaches to the field. It is certain to inspire new cohorts of students and scholars interested in the role of electoral studies in a vibrant, cutting-edge political geography.' Larry Knopp, University of Washington Tacoma, USA