Roles of Osmolytes in Changing Environment : Plant Biology, sustainability and climate change - Azamal Husen

Roles of Osmolytes in Changing Environment

By: Azamal Husen (Editor)

Paperback | 1 May 2025

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Roles of Osmolytes in Changing Environment is the only available comprehensive coverage of the recent advances in our understanding on how plants coordinate with different osmolytes, and their role in improving the tolerance of plants under stress conditions. Including insights of their effect against cold, heat, UV, submergence, wounding, extremes of temperature, drought, salinity, high metal concentrations, water logging, pollution, and nutrient deficiency stress, the book also explains the role of various osmolytes against phytopathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, nematodes, and insects. Understanding the significance of different osmolytes for sustainable plant growth and production under diverse stress situations is increasingly important for both crop and non-crop plants. This volume presents the latest research and inspires further research toward osmolyte use in developing stress tolerance in plants. Roles of Osmolytes in Changing Environment is a valuable resource for scientists, researchers and advanced level students working in plant biology, plant physiology, plant stress physiology, plant biochemistry, botanical or crop sciences, environmental sciences, and ecological sciences.

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