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Rugged Knits : 24 Practical Projects for Everyday Living - Andrea Rangel

Rugged Knits

24 Practical Projects for Everyday Living

By: Andrea Rangel

Paperback | 1 November 2016

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Create versatile, beautiful, wearable knitted garments and accessories that are functional and timeless for active, adventurous men and women.

24 Practical, Beautiful Designs to Wear Every Day!

Knitters love stitching pieces that become mainstays: garments and accessories to wear year after year. They are steadfast companions in your daily adventures: walking the dog, working outdoors, or simply tucking in for a cozy night at home.

Rugged Knits is a collection of 21 functional, lovely, and interesting knitting patterns for men and women. Side-by-side with hearty wool sweaters and sock patterns are more unexpectedly delicate-looking pieces, such as a warm, resilient shawl with lace trim and a cozy cowl with gentle drape. Those who love cables will rejoice in the gorgeously-shaped turtleneck and bright, eye-catching mitts. Fans of colourwork will enjoy both stranded knitting and intarsia pieces, while those who want to keep it simple will delight in textured, knit-and-purl designs.

Andrea Rangel's compelling, classic pieces in Rugged Knits will remain perennial favourites; long after the knitting is done, the knitter will still be wearing each one.

About the Author

Andrea Rangel knits and designs in Vancouver, British Columbia. She loves the functionality and beauty of knitting and knits everything from head to toe. Her designs have been featured in 'Interweave Knits, Knitscene', Brooklyn Tweed Wool People, Twist Collective, and Knitty, as well as published independently.
Industry Reviews
"I just love the directional changes of the stitchwork and the classic lace edging is stunning."
Fiber Flux blog

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