Sacra Pagina : Sacra Pagina - John R. Donahue, SJ

Sacra Pagina

By: John R. Donahue, SJ, Daniel J. Harrington, SJ

Paperback | 1 September 2005

At a Glance



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In The Gospel of Mark Fathers Donahue and Harrington use an approach that can be expressed by two terms currently used in literary criticism: intratextuality and intertextuality. This intratextual and intertextual reading of Mark's Gospel helps us to appreciate the literary character, its setting in life, and its distinctive approaches to the Old Testament, Jesus, and early Christian theology.

"Intratextuality" means we read Mark as Mark and by Mark. Such a reading expresses interest in the final form of the Gospel (not its source or literary history) and in its words and images, literary devices, literary forms, structures, characterization, and plot. Reading Mark by Mark gives particular attention to the distinctive vocabulary and themes that run throughout the Gospel and serve to hold it together as a unified literary production.

"Intertextuality" comprises the relation between texts and a textual tradition, and also referring to contextual materials not usually classified as texts (e.g., archaeological data). "Intertextuality" is used to note the links of the text of Mark's Gospel to other texts (especially the Old Testament) and to the life of the Markan community and of the Christian community today.

Chapters are "The Prologue: The Beginning of the Good News (1:1-13)," "Transitional Markan Summary: Proclamation of the Kingdom (1:14-15)," "The Call of the First Disciples (1:16-20)," "A Paradigmatic Day Begins the Ministry of Jesus (1:21-34)," "Highpoints of Jesus' Work in Galilee (1:35-45)," "The Healing of the Paralyzed Man (2:1-12)," "The Call of Levi and Meals with Tax Collectors and Sinners (2:13-17)," "Fasting, Torn Garments, and New Wineskins (2:18-22)," "Plucking Grain of the Sabbath (2:23-28)," "Healing on a Sabbath (3:1-6)," "Transitional Markan Summary: Healing Beside the Sea (3:7-12)," "Choosing the Twelve (3:13-19)," "The Beelzebul Controversy and the True Family of Jesus (3:20-35)," "The Parable of the Sower, Sayings on the Mystery of the Kingdom of God, and the allegory of the Seeds (4:1-20)," "Four Sayings on Revelation and Two Kingdom Parables (4:21-34)," "Jesus 'Power Over the Wind and Waves (4:35-41)," "The Exorcism of the Gerasene Demoniac (5:1-20)," "The Daughter of Jairus and the Woman with the Hemorrhage (5:21-43),""The Rejection at Nazareth (6:1-6a)," "The Mission Charge to the Twelve (6:6b-13)," "The Identity of Jesus and the Execution of John the Baptist (6:14-29)," "The Feeding of the 5000 by the Sea of Galilee (6:30-44)," "Jesus Walks on the Water and Astounds the Disciples (6:45-52)," "A Markan Summary of the Healing Power of Jesus (6:53-56)," "The Dispute over Clean and Unclean (7:1-23)," "The Syrophoenician Woman (7:24-30)," "Jesus Restores Hearing and Speech to a Suffering Man (7:31-37)," "The Second Feeding Narrative: The 4000 (8:1-10)," "Pharisees and Scribes Seek a Sign (8:11-13)," "A Further Misunderstanding by the Disciples and the Conclusion of the Bread Section (8:14-21)," "The Gradual Healing of a Blind Man (8:22-26)," "Peter's Confession, the First Passion Prediction, Peter's Misunderstanding, and the Demands of Discipleship (8:27-38)," "The Transfiguration (9:1-13)," "Healing a Possessed Boy (9:14-29)," "A Second Passion Prediction and More Instructions for Disciples (9:30-50)," "Marriage and Divorce (10:1-12)," "Jesus Blesses Children (10:13-16)," "Riches and Poverty (10:17-31)," "A Third Passion Prediction and More Instructions for Disciples (10:32-45)," "The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus (10:46-52)," "Jesus 'Entry into Jerusalem (11:1-11)," "The Fig Tree and the Temple (11:12-25)," "The Authority of Jesus (11:27-33)," "The Parable of the Vineyard (12:1-12)," "Taxes to Caesar (12:13-17)," "The Debate about Resurrection (12:18-27)," "The Great Commandment(s) (12:28-34)," "The Messiah and the Son of David (12:35-37)," "The Scribes and the Widow (12:38-44)," "Jesus 'Eschatological Discourse (13:1-37)," "Contrasting Beginnings of Jesus 'Last Days (14:1-11)," "Jesus 'Final Meal with His Disciples (14:12-25),""Prediction of Peter's Denial (14:26-31)," "Jesus in Gethsemane (14:32-42)," "The Arrest of Jesus (14:43-52)," "Jesus Before the Sanhedrin and the Denial by Peter (14:53-72)," "Jesus Before Pilate (15:1-20)," "The Crucifixion of Jesus (15:21-32)," "The Death of Jesus (15:33-41)," "The Burial of Jesus (15:42-47)," "The Empty Tomb (16:1-8)," "Later Endings (16:9-20)."

Industry Reviews
This volume is a paperback edition of another fine contribution in the Sacra Pagina commentary series by Liturgical Press. The paperback edition will make it more accessible, a welcome development for all pastors and students... A 'must' for every library.Catholic Library World ... sets the standard for a comprehensive one-volume treatment of Mark for this generation.The Catholic Biblical Quarterly Pastors will find this commentary spends more time in their hands and less on their shelves than others, and the congregations who hear their homilies and sermons will be enriched and challenged.Interpretation Donahue and Harrington, well-known scholars who have made numerous contributions to Markan studies in monographs and journal articles, have provided us with a helpful and reasonably sized commentary. It is large enough to deal with the majority of issues involved in the study of Mark without overwhelming us with more information than the average pastor or theological student can handle or wants. It is written succinctly and is very readable. It provides in its Introduction a brief and excellent overview of the major issues involved in the study of Mark.Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society The commentary is highly recommended for the target audiences of the series-biblical scholars, students, theologians, clergy, religious educators, and interested non-specialists-and the authors are to be commended for producing a work that is both scholarly and genuinely useful and accessible to a wide variety of readers.Toronto Journal of Theology

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