This volume is a first-ever companion to the intellectually and pastorally stimulating work of Louis-Marie Chauvet, one of the most important systematic thelogians of liturgy and sacraments in recenttimes. In this trans-Atlantic venture, pairs of leading thinkers continue the development of sacramental-liturgical theology alongsix lines of Chauvet's thought: fundamental theology, Scripture and sacrament, eclesiology, liturgy and ethics, theology and the social sciences, and the theological anthropology of symbolism. Embracing his constant attention to faith's actual pratice in history, these francophone and anglophone authors test numerous of Chauvet's insights in the face of new challenges for the church and world, the ongoing mediation of the "humanity of God" revealed in the crucified and risen Christ. Louis-Marie Chauvet retired in 2008 from the faculty of theology at the Institut Catholique de Paris, while continuing his work as pastor of Saint-Leu-la-Foret in the Diocese of Pontoise, just outside Paris. He is author of Symbol and Sacrament: A Sacramental Reinterpretation of Christian Existence and The Sacraments: The Word of God at the Mercy of the Body, both published by Liturgical Press.
Industry Reviews
[A] one of a kind volume that serves to introduce readers to the foundations and implication of the sacramental theology of Louis-Marie Chauvet... This volume achieves this goal admirably and I heartily recommend it to all persons interested in keeping a finger on the pulse of sacramental thinking.Worship For those who have not been able to devote good, scholarly time to understand Chauvet but have had to grasp him in bits and pieces, Sacraments: Revelation of the Humanity of God is a very welcome book.Pastoral Music With a finger on Chauvet's six veins of thought-including fundamental theology, ecclesiology, and the theological anthropology of symbolism-the editors corral the additional work of leading thinkers who test Chauvet's theories in the face of new challenges for the church in the modern world.Holy Cross Magazine Besides being a good introduction to Chauvet's sacramental theology, this volume stretches us beyond our usual liturgical categories to engage us in questions of theological contextualization. Highly recommended for professors and students of sacraments and liturgy.Liturgical Ministry This is a wonderfully rich volume, inspired by and in conversation with the work of one of the most authentic and creative sacramental theologians of our time. The diverse and interdisciplinary essays, from both sides of the Atlantic, offer a wonderful tribute to the work of Louis-Marie Chauvet and at the same time their own important insights for a theology of sacramental celebrations today.Teresa Berger, Professor of Liturgical Studies, Yale Divinity School This splendid volume brings together essays by some of the finest sacramental theologians to analyze and introduce the English-speaking world to the theological achievement of Louis-Marie Chauvet, arguably one of the finest sacramental theologians alive today. As with the work of Chauvet himself, these scholars combine keen insight into fundamental theology with profound knowledge of the liturgical sources. This book will be of great value to a whole generation of students of theology.John F. Baldovin, SJ, Professor of Historical and Liturgical Theology, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry